
Saturday, July 31, 2010

A+ for effort

In an effort to figure out what this bliggy blog will be when it grows up I'm gonna be trying all sorts of stuff then going back and rereading and editing and generally balling it all up and throwing it away only to start over again and probably end up with the same stuff I started with. So bear with me if you read a post then check back and see that the post has changed only to look again and see the first post. I'm kooky like that and I'm also my own worst and best editor. I 'm currently working on a house magazine style photo spoof. Yes, I meant to say spoof. Because you're gonna get it all real. Not the fancy glass pitcher, pillow tossed casually on the floor kind of shots like this:

But the real gritty down in the dirt photos of a real house with real issues. Like the lack of a full time housekeeper and the addition of a 3 year old. Shots like this:

This is a photo taken in my actual house but neither of these boys is the Bubba. 
So anyway, stay tuned. Gotta go now, Bubba's ready to go to the beach and he's got the truck started and his hand on the gear shift. Talk to ya soon.

A Welcome Interruption.

My friend Sue came to visit! Actually that should be "MY FRIEND SUE CAME TO VISIT!!!" That's how excited I am. I met Sue when I lived in the Fabulous Florida Keys and she should be called "Fabulous Sue". Because she's FABULOUS! Can you tell that I'm excited she came to visit? Sue is an amazing photographer. And a fabulous mom to two beautiful hippie girls and a fantastic wife to "The Professor". And a goofball. Not necessarily in that order. The "goofball" part is my favorite.
When Ry and I got married in 2003, Sue had just had hippie girl #1 and wasn't quite sure she was ready to get back to work, so I begged her to shoot our wedding. And I begged. And I begged. And I begged some more. I think I mentioned that if she didn't do it I would be stuck with this guy -

Really, no one hates anyone that much. 
And of course she agreed and she took the most amazing pictures of an amazing day in my life. And if I had them ANYWHERE on this computer I would show them to you. So add that project to my list of 
to dos.

Anyhoo, we had the BEST time! Our kids got along like peanut butter and jelly. Like peas and carrots. Like hot dogs and beer. And that would be because she is a FABULOUS mom. Did I mention that? We also got a visit from another fabulous girl that we both know from Floor-E-Dah. Miss Anne had moved back to good ol' Delaware (the state of her birth) and was able to come down to the farm. We hung out in the yard while the kids chased all manner of bugs that may or may not be poisonous, venomous, or contagious. Then we all had chicken legs for dinner. We cooked them first. I'm safety conscious like that.
The next day, Bubba and I showed the girls around town. Then we all went over to "Da Fir". Which would be how people around these parts say The Fair. The Delaware State Fair to be exact. We loaded up in Ry's monster truck and boy were we glad we took that. The parking people at "da fir" took one look at the size of those tires and decided we had to be cabbage hand carnies, they just kept waving us through and we drove all the way up to just about the front door for a primo rock star parking spot.
And I know primo rock star parking spots. Not because I'm a primo rock star, but because I know a primo rock star and we once went to see Elton John and Billy Joel, and with my rock star friend in the car, we were directed around all manner of limousines and regular folk cars to park all up inside the arena. It was one of the coolest moments of my life. It's what makes me completely understand the Lohan family.
Da Fir has all the things that make a great fir. Rides, games, pigs, cows, horses, goats, fried oreos, etc. They even have a new food item this year :

Doughnut + Burger = Doughnutburger!!!

I know, I couldn't believe it either. Why didn't I think of that? The absolute best part was the mechanical bull. Of course Sue took a turn on that bad boy. She went 6.54 seconds and the cabbage hand carnie running the thing got scared and revved it up to Mach 1000. If she had gone the 8 full seconds she would have won $200. Stupid cabbage hand carnie. 

I tell you it could not have been a better visit unless they stayed for a month. But Sue and the girls had to get up to NY to celebrate her Grammy's 94th birthday. Happy Birthday Grammy! I should have sent her a doughnutburger. 

I would suggest you head right on over to HERE to check out Sue's photography. And right over to HERE if you want to learn more about doughnutburgers. And just in case you've never been to a good ol' country fir check out THIS

Gotta go, Bubba's trying to make his own cotton candy with a torch and the vacuum and he needs my help. Talk to ya soon.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Time Management

I have time management issues. I load myself up with projects and then I get overwhelmed and retreat into a book or the internet or a puzzle with Bubba. Right now I'm currently working on these things: (and I mean I attempt to work on these things daily in addition to cleaning, cooking and keeping the laundry at manageable levels)

-Bubbas bathroom renovations - 75% (OMG so many little things to do)

-Rattan Table project - 45% (wrapping, wrapping, wrapping, you'll see)

-Wallpaper removal in the kitchen - 25% (like peeling sunburned skin)

-Chalkboard in Bubbas room - 10% (because I bought the can of chalkboard paint)

-Organizing our paperwork/mail/junk drawers - 1% (because it made it to my list)

-Surfboard art project - 12% (I started, took it apart, restarted, took it apart)

-Bedroom closet redo - 50% (I built the shelves but that's it)

-Coat Rack project - 90% (Except for 1 piece of trim and the hooks it's almost complete)

-Teaching Bubba the alphabet - 8.666% (We've gotten as far as ABC)

-Cleaning my car - 0% (Disgusting)

-Hanging new porch doors - 50% (1 for 2)

-Dresser and Armoire refinishing - 40% (primed and filled with junk already)

-Grill deck - 70% (ran out of gray stain)

-Weeding - 0% or 100% (it depends on if, like Bubba, you think Polk Weed is a Butterfly Bush)

-Help Ry build NorthEnd (his surfboard business) - ?% (huge endeavor)

-Build my own furniture refinishing business/Etsy Shop

There are about 42,987,875 other things that I've thought of but haven't made it to the do list yet. I'm hoping that by blogging 5 days a week I will feel the motivation to complete some things. Or that I can start to develop the Type A personality it's going to take for me to complete at least half the things on the list. But for now I think I'll go read a book. Right after I take a picture of the sun coming up, and feed the dogs, and put some clothes on, and make breakfast for Bubba, and start some laundry. Talk to ya soon.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Time is not on my side.

When I left my restaurant job (insert shudder) I planned to stick to a rigorous schedule. In my minds eye, I saw Bubba entertaining himself for hours at a time while I worked on my shed full of furniture or other crafty projects. I imagined time spent how I wanted to spend it with few worries more than how much flour got spilled on the floor when Bubba and I made our own bread. I imagined peaceful mornings that Bubba would sleep in and where I could sit on the porch and write this blog without interruption. I know, you have a bridge to sell me. The reality is that my life is filled with Constant Interruptions. My list of things to do is so long right now that I may not finish it before I'm 80.
Here's what yesterday looked like.
6:45am - Out of bed
6:47am - Coffee
6:48am - Blogging
6:48am - Feed 4 legged interruptions
6:49am - Bubba awake
6:50am - Catching butterflies in the yard
7:30am - Try to blog
7:31am - Looking at Butterflies in cage
7:45am - Breakfast
7:48am - Poop break (Bubba, not me)
7:58am - "You pay me!" ("you play with me")
8:20am - Get ready to take Bubba to Gran's
8:40am - Put Bubba in the car
8:43am - Still putting Bubba in the car
8:45am - Leave for Gran's
9:00am - Arrive at Gran's
9:12am - Leave Bubba at Gran's until 3pm
9:27am - Return home
9:40am - I don't know where 13 minutes went.
9:41am - Set up on the porch to work on a project I want to enter in Garden and Gun Magazines "Made in the South contest"
9:42am - Swat fly
9:43am - Swat fly
9:44am - Swat fly
9:45am - Scream string of obscenities at flies
9:46am - Thankful that we live in the middle of 100 acres and hopeful that neighbors didn't hear me screaming across the field
9:47am - Swat fly
9:48am - Realize I need a better arsenal
9:50am - Get in car and drive 9 minutes to store and  buy toxic poisons with which to wage war on flies
10:21am - Return from store and trip getting out of car spilling large bag of toxic poisons
10:22am - Thankful that we live in the middle of 100 acres and hopeful the neighbors didn't see me fall down
10:25am - Wage war on flies
10:31am - Sit down to work with a sigh of relief and a big cough because of the cloud of toxic poisons
10:35am - Realize that I missed a step on my project
10:36am - Start project over
11:23am - Realize that I still don't have it right, go in search of ingenious ideas to make it work
11:38am - Try 3 different ideas
11:45am - Realize that I'm not a genius
11:47am - Try again
11:59am - Try again
12:12pm - Try again
12:30pm - Give up out of frustration and hunger
12:31pm - Feed 4 legged interruptions
12:32pm - Make lunch
1:04pm - Oops, too long on lunch, only 1 hour and 45 minutes left
1:05pm - Decide to work on a rattan table

1:09pm - Hear 4 legged interruptions scratching to be let in
1:09pm - Realize that I hadn't let them on the porch
1:10pm - Discover that they had walked through the screen, again
1:11pm - Try to find screen fixy thingamajiggy (or screen spline tool if you're technical)
1:15pm - Get frustrated with screen fixy thingamajiggy
1:16pm - Decide we need to invest in a doggy door
1:17pm - Spend 10 minutes planning how to build a doggy door with items on hand
1:27pm - Give up
1:28pm - Back to work on rattan table
2:00pm - Check time and stress about only having 45 Bubba Free minutes left
2:01pm - Ry comes home early
2:02pm - Discuss doggy door invention with Ry while working on rattan table (yay me)
2:30pm - Realize only 15 minutes left. Clean up work area because it's our dining room table
2:44pm - Leave to get Bubba from Gran's
2:50pm - Beat myself up because I didn't get anything done while he was at Gran's
3:00pm - Bubba is not ready to leave Gran's so we hang out for an hour
4:00pm - Leave Gran's
4:02pm - Bubba falls asleep in the car
4:10pm - Bubba on the couch still asleep
4:11pm - Set up work area on dining table again
4:15pm - Think of something I want to check on the internet
5:00pm - Realize I've used 45 minutes surfing the internet that could have been better spent working on rattan table
5:20pm - Start thinking about what to make for dinner while still working on rattan table
5:40pm - Bubba wakes up. Grumpy
5:55pm - Hand Bubba off to Ry for more butterfly catching
5:56pm - Clean up work area. Again
6:00pm - Start making dinner
6:30pm - Dinner's ready. Pour BIG glass of wine
6:32pm - Consider a second glass of wine
6:33pm - Look at Bubba and Ry smiling and talking over dinner and decide the second glass of wine not necessary
7:00pm - Clean up dinner
7:10pm - "You pay me!"
7:15pm - Settle on "paying" with legos mixed with k'nex. A recipe for disaster
7:45pm - Bubba has 14th fit of frustration. Consider that second glass of wine again
7:55pm - Put away legos and k'nex
8:00pm - Bathtime
8:01pm - Hmmm. maybe no bath tonight. Bubba's still grumpy
8:20pm - Bedtime for Bubba
8:30pm - Bubba gets up and I put him back to bed
8:35pm - Ry and I settle on couch to watch a recorded episode of Burn Notice
8:37pm - Bubba gets up. Ry puts him back to bed
8:40pm - Bubba gets up. I put him back to bed
8:45pm - Bubba gets up. Ry puts him back to bed
8:52pm - Bubba gets up. I put him back to bed
8:53pm - Thankful for DVR
9:00pm - Bubba gets up. Ry puts him back to bed
9:19pm - Burn Notice over. Bubba gets up. I put him back to bed and get ready for bed myself
9:35pm - Get in bed. Bubba gets up. Ry puts him back in bed
9:48pm - Ry gets in bed. Bubba gets up. I put him back in bed
10:02pm - Bubba gets up. I assume Ry puts him back in bed since I fell asleep

Lessons learned:
1. If I had a Type A personality I would have gotten more done
2. Bubba should not take naps

Goals moving forward:
1. Develop Type A personality
2. Never let Bubba take a nap unless we have a sitter for the night


Bubba takes Karate. He's already a trained assassin but we believe that you should keep practicing your skills to keep them sharp. His first Karate class didn't go so well, though he thought he looked "bitchin'" in his Gi.

This was his first adventure in an organized class session, if you don't count Toddler Time at the local library. He didn't quite understand why he needed to take a class to teach him things he already knows. Like how to toss the Sensai.


We explained to him that he was there to help others learn. That when you have extraordinary gifts it is your duty to share them with the world. But I'm not sure he bought it.

No matter, today is the last day of the session and I for one am glad to have it over with. Bubba starts preschool in September. I'm sure his teachers will appreciate him teaching the other kids all that he knows. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Child Labor

Bubba loves to "help". And since I would love him to be a well rounded man someday, I usually let him. Well that and the fact that if I don't let him "help" he gets this sad slump shouldered thing going on and slowly walks back to his room where he proceeds to shed crocodile tears until the cows come home. This kid can stay in character better than Nic Cage, but that's another story. Anywho, we let him "help" with the bathroom remodel. 
It's his bathroom after all. 

   It's no wonder that one of his favorite pretend games is "building a house". The good thing about it is that he's usually bored within 10 minutes. The bad thing is that he's usually bored within 10 minutes. That means that if Ry and I aren't here to tag team, there's a work stoppage like the building department came in and shut us down. When he's done, he's DONE. And when he wants to do something else, you'd better dag'on well do it or there will be heck to pay. I suppose this is the way to raise a son who knows how to do everything but is so bossy that he has no friends.

Hmmm, maybe I'll rethink my whole theory on raising a renaissance man. Cuteness only takes a person so far in life.

When I laid the tiles he was jumping up and down on my back practicing his pro wrestling moves, so I was a bit distracted. At one point I thought "oh, if I space the tiles this far apart we'll have less to cut". So I did and the result was that the tiles are just a bit oddly spaced. Perfectly even because that is one of my talents, what we call "eyeballing". But still just a little too far apart. Oh well, live and learn. And spend extra money on grout since it takes more grout to fill larger spaces. Doh.

I'm still in the "painting stage" and I'm attempting to do this part without Bubba even though he loves a good painting session. It's just that he ends up looking like this,

Gotta go, Bubba's wrapped the house in a painters tape spider web and if I don't get inside now I'll have to stay outside in my pajamas all day. Talk to ya soon.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mirror mirror on the wall....

We found some great wood in one of the many sheds on the farm. It came from a farm that my grandfather had cleared 40 some years ago and then had milled at a local lumber mill. We came up with a great use for it. With an old floor length mirror I got for free when Cheeca Lodge in Islamorada was refurbishing, and some heavy screws, we now have a "window" in our otherwise windowless dining room.

We hung the mirror with BIG bolts so that it wouldn't come crashing down in the event that a monster truck slammed into any wall in the house and caused the slightest vibration. But of course that would never happen in our house. Oh no.

We taped a level line, so the wood frame wouldn't look all wonky. And of course we checked ourselves out because it's important to look good when your doing home improvements.

We predrilled holes so the wood wouldn't crack when we screwed it to the mirror frame. 

Ta Da!

Uh oh, gotta go. Bubba wants me to build a house with him. Talk to ya soon.

Bubba's Bath Two.

Anyone have any idea what this is? Anyone? Anyone? It's not VooDoo Economics. It's a dreaded popcorn ceiling. Our house has them. Everywhere. Well except the two bathrooms now. My dad (aka Dude) scraped the "master bath" and I just scraped Bubbas bath. What a job. It's not that it's particularly hard, just gross. And neck twisting as anything having anything to do with a ceiling will be. I went online and looked at a bunch of websites that tell the supposed easy way to remove a popcorn ceiling and I'm here to tell you that there is no magic trick. I would only recommend that you use the widest metal scraper you can comfortably control. Merely so you can scrape the most area possible and finish the job as fast as possible. A spray bottle, a scraper and a big plastic sheet is all you need. Well, someone to lovingly rub your neck after the job is done is a great addition.

Side note: Drywall can't be sanded with normal sandpaper no matter what my husband tells you. You need to carry yourself to the hardware store and purchase a "drywall sanding screen". These are sold right next to the regular sandpaper. It's a dusty, dirty job and don't let anyone tell you different. End note.

So the technique I used was to lightly spray the ceiling with plain old H2O in an area no bigger than I could reasonable scrape without it drying on me. This is a light misting, not a soaking, just enough to moisten the popcorn(don't ya just love that word, "moisten" go ahead, say it out loud)  Then with your handy scraper, scrape lightly and the stuff just falls right off. Of course it falls right off into your hair, your eyes and all over the floor. That's where the big plastic sheet comes in. Some websites will tell you to cover everything and tape down plastic but I like to live dangerously and since for that moment Bubba was nowhere near, I just "laid" a plastic sheet over everything and when I was done I folded it up and dumped the stuff in the trash. Outside of course. And please wrap your eyes in some form of protection, it's no fun at all to get popcorn in them.

I found that spraying an area and waiting about 30 seconds to scrape is what worked best for me. Our popcorn ceiling was applied in 1987 so if your ceiling is newer you may need to wait longer. I also found that if I was careful, I didn't gouge the ceiling at all. This means taking your time. In my case that was difficult. They don't call me "instant gratification girl" for nothin'. But I perservered and was mostly successful. Nothing a little "drywall sanding screen" won't cure. 
I almost didn't stop to snap this photo because I was on a roll Baby! But I kept going and got 'er done. Now I just have to paint. And if Bubba would ever go to bed and stop throwing balls at my head I just be able to do that. Talk to ya soon.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bubbas Bath.

There are a lot of improvements we're doing to the house here at the farm. When we moved in, it looked a bit like that girl you run into 20 years after you graduated high school. You know the one. She had a super cool haircut in 1988. Wore all the latest styles. Had that pair of perfectly broken in acid washed jeans with the suede knee patches that you were desperate for. But you see her now and her "look" stayed the same. You know she's all excited that the '80's are back. Poor thing. Bless her heart.
Anyway, we've done some major improvements like ripping up the two tone blue wall to wall carpet (so disgusting it hurt my feelings) and laying down hardwood floors. Painting faded to grey shutters with a fresh coat of white paint and building a screened porch where there was only a carport. Now we're putting our attention to Bubba's bathroom. Which in a 3/2 is also the guest bath. I didn't take a closeup photo of the fabulous seahorse wallpaper before I tore it down because I was afraid of the stampede of people trying to get it from me. Sorry, stuck in the '80's folks. It's in the trash. I do however still have a heat lamp. You remember those. You turn the little timer on the wall and a super strong lightbulb heats up the room. I think it's the ancestor to the heated towel rack and radiant heat floors.
So down came the wallpaper and unfortunately the builder didn't prime the walls before they installed the fabulous seahorse wallpaper. After years of heat and humidity, off came a good portion of drywall paper. And where that didn't happen the wallpaper backing was holding on for dear life. So I used the super popular (so I know it will be completely design irrelevant in 5 years) beadboard wallpaper to cover up the disaster. This actually isn't too bad, except that it looks a little country to me which is not my most favorite design style. But who knows, maybe I just haven't come into my country phase yet. We do what we can and we could not afford to replace all of the drywall right now.
Last week was all tile all the time. Ry and I split up the job with him laying most of the hardee backer and me finishing it up then laying all of the whole pieces of tile and him coming in and doing the cuts. Then all of us including Bubba, put the grout in. this post would be a "How To"except for the fact that neither of us will be able to get work as professional tile setters,  so I recommend checking out a post in the "how to" section of Young House Love or watching a  few YouTube videos.
This week is caulk, spackle, paint week. I'm a big fan of "Oops" paint (that's not a brand just the returns of indecisive customers) at Home Depot. $5 dollars for a gallon, $3 for a quart. And let me tell you, if you're in there as much as we are (Bubba and I go to Home Depot like some people take their kids to the park) you can get some great paint colors. I mix the paints together to get the color I want so this works perfect for me. (I will post a how to on mixing paint soon)
So we've got this great turquoise blue that I'm gonna put on the ceiling and the rest of the room will be painted off white. Or at least that's the current plan. You'll have to check back and see. Who knows what interruptions will occur to change it. Gotta go, Bubba's decided the dogs teeth look like tile and they need some grout. Talk to ya soon.

Monday, July 12, 2010

How To: Tell a Bedtime Story.

This is the first of the amazing "How Tos" you'll find here on Constant Interruptions. I didn't actually write this one, but it's too funny not to share.

From a interview with Lemony Snicket. How to tell a good bedtime story.

1. Ask your child what the title should be. This stalls for time and spreads the blame if the story’s no good.

2. Name the villains after people who wronged you in high school.

3. When you get stuck, remember Raymond Chandler’s advice: “When in doubt, have two guys come through the door with guns.” The bedtime equivalent is a clumsy talking animal holding a tray of cream pies.

4. At the end of the story, all of the characters should be very, very tired.

5. Don’t bring your cocktail, because you might accidentally leave it and wake your child when you sneak back to retrieve it. Alternately, you may forget about it entirely and three days later someone will find a warm martini on your child’s dresser.

(Note: This has never, ever, ever happened to him.)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

What do we have here...

I have a little white shed. It sits right out my back door. When we moved here, I dreamed of turning it into a studio, but it was already filled with other peoples junk so we just put our junk in there too. A few weeks ago I got Ry to help me pull everything out. The whole time he's saying "I can't believe you have so much crap, I can't believe we fit this much crap in this little shed." And I kept saying "It's not crap!" So we pulled it all out, found some cool stuff and put my "not crap" back in there in a more organized manner. I was able to empty the laundry room in the house of all kinds of tools since I now have an organized space to keep them. I've already turned the tall gun cabinet (see it right there with the 2 drawers at the top?) into a coat and shoe rack for my house. And if you look closely you'll see the wicker table I'm working on between interruptions. On the left is a so ugly it's beautiful chair that I'll get my hands on soon. 
While the shed doesn't qualify as my dream studio, yet, it does give me space to store my "not crap" so I can pull out a piece at a time to work on. And while Anderson Cooper says "Hope is not a Plan", I do consider this my little Hope Shed. As in I hope I can get some of this crap redone so I can prove that it's not crap. 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Grand Ideas.

Me, himself and Ry moved to Delaware in April of 2009 from The Fabulous Florida Keys. Now you know where Bubba gets his crazy from. My evil plan was to work in a restaurant for the summer (we live near a tourist destination and there's good money to be had) and then spend the fall and winter thrifting and building inventory for my reclaimed vintage furniture business. Which I would then unleash on the world in the spring of 2010 to wide acclaim and accolades making me a millionaire. Or at least a thousandaire. Of course that plan was interrupted. So after the summer gig was over, I took a job as the manger of a year round restaurant. I had what I thought was a great schedule. Weekends off, 3 nights, 2 days. Got to spend time with Bubba and thought I would get to go out to dinner with Ry once in a while. Hahaha. Turns out, when someone pays you a "salary" they actually expect that you'll work 22 days in the space of 5. I was EXHAUSTED. All day playing monster trucks and then all night at the restaurant and then 4-5 hours of sleep before I heard the roar of monster truck engines in the morning. I was too tired to do anything more than I had to. Which meant that the only furniture work getting done was in my sleep deprived brain. Let me tell you though, I designed some pretty cool furniture up there. My best idea was to smash all the monster trucks and glue their little pieces to table legs. Bet you've never seen anything like that. I told Bubba that plan and he nixed it. Probably a good thing. So I finally got fed up and quit. No, I had no alternative source of income. Yes, we have bills to pay. No, I'm not sure how we're going to do that. But the monster trucks now have an arena and we're about to build the snack bar. And that little beauty in the photo is getting my attention. Gotta go, Bubba's having trouble with the table saw. See ya soon.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


My son is 3 years old.
That right there could be the end of this story. All of you who have or have spent large amounts of time with a 3 year old know what happens. His name is Bubbalicious Boudreaux LaFontaine. He's an artist, an engineer, a foreign language specialist, a top chef, and a trained assassin. He is a source of extreme joy and extreme consternation. We love him. He's crazy.
He's our first human child so it's a learn as you go program here. I've gotten some really good advice from good friends who've been kind enough to share with me how they got their junior or princess to paint the house and mix the perfect martini at age 4. But I've also been witness to the malicious joy in their eyes when just before his 3rd birthday they all said "Oh, 3 is way worse than 2." It was at this point that the little fantasy bubble loaded with scenes of a perfectly behaved 3 year old boy child in an ascot discussing the allegory of  Lord of the Flys, popped and dropped.
We spend our days with me trying to make him feel appreciated and teach him the alphabet and him trying to teach me how to properly build a monster truck track and the right way to crash a paper airplane. Good times, good times.
Uh oh, gotta go. Bubba's building bleachers for the monster truck rally on the roof of the house and he's run out of nails. See ya soon!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

In the beginning...
Just kidding. This is at least the middle. In case you don't already know, I live on a farm. Near the beach. I know. Lucky me. Right? Right.
This is the tale of my past, current and future life of trying to get things done.  And the "Constant Interruptions" I deal gracefully with daily. Stop laughing. Okay so sometimes I'm not so graceful. Sometimes I'm a pill. I just love that phrase don't you? "Oh that Aunt Edith, she's such a pill". Makes me want to cook something with a can of cream of something soup and some of those great little crunchy fried onions. They're making a comeback ya know.
Since we have quite a bit going on here at the "farm", I thought I'd share it for all the world to see. Silly me.
Gotta go now, the dog (or, yellow interruption as I call her for short) has a frozen food salesman up a tree. See, constant interruptions. 
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