
Friday, July 23, 2010

Time is not on my side.

When I left my restaurant job (insert shudder) I planned to stick to a rigorous schedule. In my minds eye, I saw Bubba entertaining himself for hours at a time while I worked on my shed full of furniture or other crafty projects. I imagined time spent how I wanted to spend it with few worries more than how much flour got spilled on the floor when Bubba and I made our own bread. I imagined peaceful mornings that Bubba would sleep in and where I could sit on the porch and write this blog without interruption. I know, you have a bridge to sell me. The reality is that my life is filled with Constant Interruptions. My list of things to do is so long right now that I may not finish it before I'm 80.
Here's what yesterday looked like.
6:45am - Out of bed
6:47am - Coffee
6:48am - Blogging
6:48am - Feed 4 legged interruptions
6:49am - Bubba awake
6:50am - Catching butterflies in the yard
7:30am - Try to blog
7:31am - Looking at Butterflies in cage
7:45am - Breakfast
7:48am - Poop break (Bubba, not me)
7:58am - "You pay me!" ("you play with me")
8:20am - Get ready to take Bubba to Gran's
8:40am - Put Bubba in the car
8:43am - Still putting Bubba in the car
8:45am - Leave for Gran's
9:00am - Arrive at Gran's
9:12am - Leave Bubba at Gran's until 3pm
9:27am - Return home
9:40am - I don't know where 13 minutes went.
9:41am - Set up on the porch to work on a project I want to enter in Garden and Gun Magazines "Made in the South contest"
9:42am - Swat fly
9:43am - Swat fly
9:44am - Swat fly
9:45am - Scream string of obscenities at flies
9:46am - Thankful that we live in the middle of 100 acres and hopeful that neighbors didn't hear me screaming across the field
9:47am - Swat fly
9:48am - Realize I need a better arsenal
9:50am - Get in car and drive 9 minutes to store and  buy toxic poisons with which to wage war on flies
10:21am - Return from store and trip getting out of car spilling large bag of toxic poisons
10:22am - Thankful that we live in the middle of 100 acres and hopeful the neighbors didn't see me fall down
10:25am - Wage war on flies
10:31am - Sit down to work with a sigh of relief and a big cough because of the cloud of toxic poisons
10:35am - Realize that I missed a step on my project
10:36am - Start project over
11:23am - Realize that I still don't have it right, go in search of ingenious ideas to make it work
11:38am - Try 3 different ideas
11:45am - Realize that I'm not a genius
11:47am - Try again
11:59am - Try again
12:12pm - Try again
12:30pm - Give up out of frustration and hunger
12:31pm - Feed 4 legged interruptions
12:32pm - Make lunch
1:04pm - Oops, too long on lunch, only 1 hour and 45 minutes left
1:05pm - Decide to work on a rattan table

1:09pm - Hear 4 legged interruptions scratching to be let in
1:09pm - Realize that I hadn't let them on the porch
1:10pm - Discover that they had walked through the screen, again
1:11pm - Try to find screen fixy thingamajiggy (or screen spline tool if you're technical)
1:15pm - Get frustrated with screen fixy thingamajiggy
1:16pm - Decide we need to invest in a doggy door
1:17pm - Spend 10 minutes planning how to build a doggy door with items on hand
1:27pm - Give up
1:28pm - Back to work on rattan table
2:00pm - Check time and stress about only having 45 Bubba Free minutes left
2:01pm - Ry comes home early
2:02pm - Discuss doggy door invention with Ry while working on rattan table (yay me)
2:30pm - Realize only 15 minutes left. Clean up work area because it's our dining room table
2:44pm - Leave to get Bubba from Gran's
2:50pm - Beat myself up because I didn't get anything done while he was at Gran's
3:00pm - Bubba is not ready to leave Gran's so we hang out for an hour
4:00pm - Leave Gran's
4:02pm - Bubba falls asleep in the car
4:10pm - Bubba on the couch still asleep
4:11pm - Set up work area on dining table again
4:15pm - Think of something I want to check on the internet
5:00pm - Realize I've used 45 minutes surfing the internet that could have been better spent working on rattan table
5:20pm - Start thinking about what to make for dinner while still working on rattan table
5:40pm - Bubba wakes up. Grumpy
5:55pm - Hand Bubba off to Ry for more butterfly catching
5:56pm - Clean up work area. Again
6:00pm - Start making dinner
6:30pm - Dinner's ready. Pour BIG glass of wine
6:32pm - Consider a second glass of wine
6:33pm - Look at Bubba and Ry smiling and talking over dinner and decide the second glass of wine not necessary
7:00pm - Clean up dinner
7:10pm - "You pay me!"
7:15pm - Settle on "paying" with legos mixed with k'nex. A recipe for disaster
7:45pm - Bubba has 14th fit of frustration. Consider that second glass of wine again
7:55pm - Put away legos and k'nex
8:00pm - Bathtime
8:01pm - Hmmm. maybe no bath tonight. Bubba's still grumpy
8:20pm - Bedtime for Bubba
8:30pm - Bubba gets up and I put him back to bed
8:35pm - Ry and I settle on couch to watch a recorded episode of Burn Notice
8:37pm - Bubba gets up. Ry puts him back to bed
8:40pm - Bubba gets up. I put him back to bed
8:45pm - Bubba gets up. Ry puts him back to bed
8:52pm - Bubba gets up. I put him back to bed
8:53pm - Thankful for DVR
9:00pm - Bubba gets up. Ry puts him back to bed
9:19pm - Burn Notice over. Bubba gets up. I put him back to bed and get ready for bed myself
9:35pm - Get in bed. Bubba gets up. Ry puts him back in bed
9:48pm - Ry gets in bed. Bubba gets up. I put him back in bed
10:02pm - Bubba gets up. I assume Ry puts him back in bed since I fell asleep

Lessons learned:
1. If I had a Type A personality I would have gotten more done
2. Bubba should not take naps

Goals moving forward:
1. Develop Type A personality
2. Never let Bubba take a nap unless we have a sitter for the night

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